Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Vac

In thinking about my amazing, sweet, and funny little boy and all of the hysterical things he does, I decided that we needed a place to share those and "cole-isms" and other adventures was created!

For those of you who don't know, we are raising a son who has an obsession with the vacuum cleaner.  Not just a tiny obsession, a full fledged, in your face, all he talks about obsession.  In the beginning we thought it was cute and funny...now there are days where all I want to do is take the vacuum and throw it out the window.  Tonight, I got Sophie to sleep earlier than usual (yay me!) and was able to spend some time cuddling with my baby boy.  When it was time for him to go to bed, he patted the spot next to him and said, "mommy, down."  Of course, I laid down in the spot he had designated and the next thing I knew he had wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me so close that our noses were touching.  His sweet little voice said, "mama" and as I began thinking of what words would follow; "i love you, night night, daddy, thee thee (sophie), ellie," he said something that I completely wasn't expecting.  "Mama....long enough pause for my heart to melt.....the vac."  Really, the vac????  Are you kidding me?!

I can tell that we are very close to Cole turning two....the terrible-ness of it rears its ugly head when we least expect it!  Yesterday was one of those days.  In the car on the way to the garden center, Cole decided to take the lid off his cup and dump his entire drink in his lap/car seat.  When we returned home, I placed Sophie on the porch in her car seat, Cole went straight for the flower pot of dirt,and I began to unload the flowers we had purchased.  As I am walking back to the car, I hear Sophie make a noise and turn around in time to see the last pieces of dirt flying off the baby shovel we bought for him...hitting Sophie dead on.  Only 392 more days until he turns 3!

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